1.91.27 - add: experimental 1ms timer (supplemental, displayed only at run completion; df_dbg_1mstimer for debug info) - add: support for cg_noDamageKick [0-1] and cg_noFallKick [0-1] - add: client cvar df_cl_fastRespawn [0-1] (default:1; 0:700ms, 1:250ms) - add: df_ar_format specifiers $date and $datetime - add: autorecord accounts for ioq3's com_protocol - add: varCycleOnce command - chg: conditional ">> SpectatedPlayer" hud item (df_hud_drawSpectFollow [0-2] default:2; 0:off, 1:on, 2:on for 3 sec) - chg: reintroduced hit sounds when player interference is enabled (regardless of damage settings) - fix: q3 stack overflow from looping map targets ("nicemap" exploit) - fix: 1.91.26 bug with target_delays that required the target to be activated a second time - fix: 1.91.26 bug that locked player angles after having spectated a dead player - fix: odd q3 viewangles when dead - fix: cgame crashing when calling the scoreboard in a 64-player strong game - fix: sort error in server ranks that randomly caused inappropriate "lead taken/lost" sound events - opt: removed old unused profiling code and related engine calls - opt: removed cg_scorePlums from userinfo 1.91.26 - fix: server crash with certain maps* ("q3dm4" bug) - fix: fixed the respawn bugs - fix: items never being shown as picked up for certain players when server is heavily populated - chg: defrag-compatible items prediction - cg_predictItems (client predicts client-side pickup effects. This doesn't affect autoswitch.) - chg: spectator free cam speed from 800 to 1000 ups - chg: reintroduced walk button in free cam - chg: introduced /kill in spectator mode to switch from following player back to free cam, or to switch from free cam back to a respawnpoint. - add: support for com_errormessage* (ui displays errors when disconnected from a server) - chg: df_demos_UICompatibility default from 0 to 1* (case-sensitive filenames in demos ui) - fix: lagometer display for wide screen resolutions - opt: optimized FS access when looking for whether a map exists* - fix: crash in Driver Info ui* (*) reported by Cyrax (q3e) 1.91.25 - [server] votable OBs. - [server/local] removed inconsistencies in powerup durations due to baseq3 aligning powerup timers on game time. - [server/local] addressed illegal player roll angles. - [server/local] addressed -128 cheats. Modern servers shouldn't be affected by this anyway. - [client] reintroduced prediction for jumppads and teleporters. - [client/demo] detection of illegal roll angles. 1.91.24 - fix: server G_Error when full player interference is set - fix: proper physics reporting by the server bypassed with timed commands - fix: ioq3 playing a humming sound 1.91.23 - add: g_killWallBug (backport from 1.92) - add: CG_drawBBox for drawing bounding boxes - chg: checkpoints bumped to 32 max - chg: show player names on clientkick messages instead of clientkick # - chg: callvote kick no longer color code sensitive - chg: player names no longer color code vote strings - chg: max map name bumped to 64 chars - chg: find available spawnpoints regardless of df_gametype to prevent game crashing on G_Error 1.91.22 - add: teleporters spawnflag 1 to preserve speed - add: target_multimanager - add: target_speed - add: quad_shooter - add: shooters spawnflag for quaded missiles - add: fragsfilters spawnflag 16 to exactly match player score - add: BUTTON_WALKING calls followprev when spectating - add: callvote devmap - add: cg_muzzleFlash (plasmagun) for seizure-free climbing - chg: players who abstain from voting are removed from the vote tally - chg: show callvote messages in console - chg: spec speed 800u/s instead of 400u/s - chg: clamp negative ammo counts to -1 - chg: display -1 on HUD for ammo count if infinite ammo given - fix: cooldown for global fragfilters - fix: target_relay so firing doesn't take place after player respawn 1.91.21 - add: /ignore [clientnum] - add: s_ambient 0/1 - add: df_tieOverwrites 0/1 - runs that tie best time overwrite .rec, ghost, and demo files - add: SURF_NOOB (w3sp's submission) - add: df_ar_targetfolder - write autorecord demos into a subdirectory - add: /cv alias for /callvote - add: download server motd to connect screen - chg: /give allows specifying a duration for powerups - chg: accelmeter displayed when spectating a player - chg: df_demos_replayMode defaulted to 0 - chg: removed CVAR_CHEAT from cg_centerTime - chg: items pickup can't provide infinite ammo - chg: removed wait time (cooldown) from frags-filters - fix: incorrect timing for regen and health decrease - fix: several issues with voting - fix: blank player names - fix: spectating through doors - fix: spect commands in empty games - fix: accelmeter modes 1 and 2 not handling out of range color codes - fix: download progression in connect screen - fix: CHS honors df_chs_UsePredicted for estimating user input defrag 1.91.20 - fixed ghost missiles emitting sound in ioq3 - respawnpoint selection kept across map_restart's and reset on team change - fixed df_hud_cgaz value clamped to 3 in options menus - removed unused "scores" server command that was sent when player dies - fixed execution of df_script_onMapLoad scripts on team change - added df_script_onJoinTeam (0/1) - executes team_free.cfg, team_spect.cfg, team_red.cfg, team_blue.cfg - restored the "connection lost" icon over players' head - added failsafe for dedicated servers so the server cannot be made inaccessible by setting up a single-player mode - added df_hud_frameTransparency defrag 1.91.19 - fixed cgazhud inaccuracies from 1.91.18 - fixed client prediction when jumppads and teleporters are off defrag 1.91.18 - weapon selection kept across respawns in TM and FC - stamped scoreboard with server address and current date/time - added df_hud_scoreboard_showSpectators option - cgaz hud more resistant to lag - added cgaz hud options > df_hud_cgaz_opacity > df_hud_cgaz_ypos - extended df_hud_cgaz flags: 1: show meters 2: show the /balls of steel/ speed-o-meter 4: hide accel bars 8: hide world quadrants 16: hide acceleration angles - df_ar_speedcapture_format only applies to single player demos - fixed client 0 receiving the speed award on connecting - flags are always reset when player respawns - removed CVAR_CHEAT from cg_gun# cvars - removed drowning sound effects when player damage is off defrag 1.91.17 - fixed self-inflicted lag affecting world damage from brush contents (water, lava, ...) - fixed game reporting the wrong physics type after failed attempt with the /vq3 and /cpm commands defrag 1.91.16 - fixed hud issues with the ^8 & ^9 colors defrag 1.91.15 - fixed flawed 1.91.14 autorecord - better g_sync management for autorecord (removed no longer needed cvar df_ar_nogsync) - changed default for df_ar_stopDelay from 1800 to 3000 - added support for OSP colors ^8 and ^9 - added multiplayer support for map shooters - fixed df_mp_interferenceOff affecting map shooters in single-player defrag - removed incomplete, buggy df_mp_interferenceOff bit 4 (teammates-only interaction) defrag 1.91.14 - silenced flag capture events from other players - fixed more issues with the vq3 hud - fixed minor issues with playing demos from other mods - hud defaults to vq3 when watching demos from other mods (unless df_hud is set to 2) - added /silent console command to exec a string while canceling out console output (eg. /silent record somedemo) - pruned defrag console messages: > silenced autorecord once and for all > removed /respawnpoint set's respawn message > changed default for df_ghosts_DrawOutput and df_varHelpers_DrawOutput to 0 (no console output) > added df_noEndOfRunStats with default 0 - added support for ch_recordMessage within defrag - autorecord no longer shows "recording" screen message - scoreboard adapts its layout when numerous players are present - df_autorecord 3 saves demos that tie - added df_ar_nogsync (better set it to 1 unless your engine requires g_sync for recording demos) - made df_autorecord 3 the default - fixed a client fatal error related to the scores server message - enabled scoreboard in single-player - allowed ^0 in names - fixed slightly outdated menu options for df_jumpmeters - small improvements in restarting the autorecord after a run is complete - better autorecord verbose messages (df_ar_verbose 1) - sv_maxclients no longer forced to 1 in sp (remote clients aren't allowed in sp anyway) - added physics type alongside mapname on the scoreboard - fixed chs ob info with - prefix not displaying (eg. df_chs1_Info1 -55 defrag 1.91.13 - fixed blocking spawnpoints in fastcaps despite player interference being off - fixed player interference changeable without game restart - fixed server configuration for callvotes not being saved - fixed player stat "best speed" missing when hud's ups meter is off - fixed triggers with wait time of -1 requiring a map_restart - fixed a couple issues with the vq3 hud - fixed player model's head showing wrong skin in fast caps - fixed demos of ctf games not showing proper team models - fixed hud showing wrong best time after physics changes - best ghost is now overwritten in the event of a tie - autorecord console output made optional - df_ar_verbose with default 0 defrag 1.91.12 - fixed inconsistency in 1.91.09 physics (thanks to w3sp for helping out) - fixed /respawnpoint command missing support for team spawnpoints - fixed player models being forced to default skin in fast caps - removed cg_drawFriend sprites - fixed client crashing with long map names - fixed timer showing in demos from other mods - fixed target_init misbehaving in tricks mode - rudimentary protection against demo editing - added player interference options 0 to 3 to votable settings (df_vote_allow_interference, off by default) - new format for stoptimer log events (ClientTimerStop: clientnum time_msec "mapname" "playername" df_gametype df_promode df_mode interference obs_enabled defrag_version current_date) - changed format for speedaward log events (ClientSpeedAward: clientnum speed "playername") defrag 1.91.09 - fixed missiles, items and triggers being reset for client 0 whenever a player changes team - fixed cheat issue that allowed to get through triggers in mp - fixed ping-dependant times - except for checkpoints which rely on server snapshots timestamps - fixed ctf flags not respawning after pickup - fixed jump meters stats (chs 145 through 148) being affected new values when spectating - fixed loading screen's progress bar not appearing properly with some config - fixed funny english in the /stats console command output - added client console commands: vq3, cpm, devvq3, devcpm to load a map with the proper physics - speed award events issued to the server log